Little Eggs specialises in workshops for Years 9-12 based in devising original work and/or adapting classic works for the stage. These workshops can provide students with a unique and personal understanding of a text and/or gear students to approach their original HSC Group Performances with confidence and excitement. Our teaching artists will help students to theatricalise ideas through ensemble-based exercises in sound, movement and spoken word.
While we have standard Education packages on offer, we are also happy to work within your needs. Send us an email and we can work on tailoring something for your students.
Download our Education Packages PDF here:
"I can't help but write to pass on my thanks to Julia from 'Little Eggs collective' for igniting the imagination of my students as they approach their own work in devising. After being inspired by her work for 'The Arts unit', I booked her to work with Year 10 and 11 students. She found new ways to shape ensemble images by empowering students to believe in themselves and their creative choices. She helps young people find authentic ways to add movement to dialogue. Her work is not imposed and physical theatre work is deeply linked to intention and collective storytelling. After seeing her most recent production 'Metropolis' @ Hayes theatre, my students deepened their understanding of devising and suddenly found the bravery to use puppetry and stylised movement in their own Group Performance work. I thoroughly recommend Julia and Little Eggs."
- Turramurra High School

"The Little Eggs Education team were a welcome burst of energy into our Drama community at Gymea. They were able to cohesively integrate and engage students across Stage 5 and 6 with enthusiam, professionalism and humour.
A real highlight was allowing my students to see how collaboration in a real ensemble company works through sharing and owning ideas and realising what is best for a group to move forward. Their passion and lived experience of acting and working within the Theatre community in Sydney brought a new lens for my student to see themselves and their creations through. Mat, Annie and Callan were each able to work with three different year groups on their group devised assessments, giving fresh eyes and ideas to the playbuilding and creative process. My students were energised, felt safe enough to task risks and learned so much from their experience with Little Eggs to take them into their assessments and future devising tasks with confidence."
- Gymea Technology High School
Working with The Arts Unit
The NSW Department of Education, Arts Unit, provides opportunities for NSW Students and teachers to leach learn and lead in creative, performing and literature and language Arts. For the past two years Little Eggs have worked with the Arts Unit to facilitate two programs in Drama.