January 16 - 20 2023
In five days, theatre group the Little Eggs Collective and a select group of young people created a twenty minute live theatre production inspired by the town of Paterson, NSW. Through live music, song, spoken word, poetry and movement the group explored the bubbling stories of both past and present, celebrating the town's history and those who keep it alive.
This Little Eggs Collective project is part of the Holiday Break program supported by the Office for Regional Youth in partnership with Create NSW.
The final production took place at the Paterson School of Arts at 6pm. Entry was free and included post show snacks and conversation
Devised by the company
Little Eggs Leading Arts Workers:
Julia Robertson, Nicole Pingon, Eliza Scott, Mym Kwa
Upstage Youth Arts Leading Arts Workers:
Jessica Rose, Imogen Mahoney
Devisor/Performers: Julia Robertson, Nicole Pingon, Eliza Scott, Mym Kwa, Jessica Rose, Imogen Mahoney, Beyza Acar, Brooke Gibson, Cahri Ristic, Lanah Watters
Set & Costume Designer: Nick Fry
Lighting Designer: Ryan McDonald